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10 posts
Making More Jetta Repairs
Now that we have this shiny old Jetta, my priority had been to put it on the road…
The Ultimate Buyers Guide to Upgrading Wheels and Tires
Think buying a new set of wheels is like going out for a loaf of bread? WRONG. Hey,…
Lessons Learned in Autocross Part 1: Picking Your Rubber
I started autocrossing about three seasons ago. That means that I am no expert, let me get that…
“Too Soon, Junior.”
It’s my fault. Having been born, raised, and living in New England my whole life, I should’ve known better…
Bridgestone RE970AS Review, Light Snow
Seeing snow on the ground is always alarming when you own a rear wheel drive vehicle. Or live…
Five Things to Ensure a Great First HPDE or Track Day
There is a misconception that owning a sports car or having a souped up ride is a prerequisite…
DIY! Getting the most life from your tires — the rotation
So you’ve recently had a new set of tires installed and you want to get the most mileage…
Cooper Zeon Sport AS Review, Part 1 of X
Today was the first real snow for the STI and after a little reckless driving in a snowing parking…
Race Vette vs Street Vette on Summit Point
Below is a little transcript between Ross, white text, and myself, in bold, this evening. Will it all…
Racing in the “wet”
Alright guys and gals, instead of talking about only last weekends NASA race at VIR, I’d like to…