RFD’s Five Tips To Snag The Girl Of Your Dreams On Valentine’s Day

Keep striking out with the ladies? Have no fear, the RFD team is here. We are seasoned experts in the world of dating and romance. I have a Valentine this February the 14th, in fact I think the whole RFD team has their own Valentine (real or not, is still up for debate). So if you are lonely this Valentine’s Day we have some tips.

We evaluate our date on what they wear, what they say and even on what they eat. But there is a MUCH better of finding the PERFECT Valentine. Use a car. Seriously think about it, a car can reveal a lot about a person. Take me for instance, I drive a 1996 Toyota Previa….well maybe that’s not a great example.

Check out below for RFD’s top tips for snagging the girl of your dreams on Valentine’s Day.

1. Manual Transmission: Pick her up in a car with a manual transmission. It will show that you are great at multi-tasking, but it will also show her that you know how to work a …….. We’ll leave it at that. Lastly, the love of your life needs to know how to drive a manual transmission, PERIOD.

2. Rotary Engine: Maybe an RX-8 R3? Rotary engines are notorious for being horrible on gas mileage and consuming oil. Owners have gone as far to recommend adding oil every time that you fill-up with gasoline. When you’re on your way to the Olive Garden for a romantic dinner, pull over and see if she knows how to add oil. It never hurts if she’s good with lubricant.

3. Porsche: Every car enthusiast knows that the key location for a Porsche is on the left-side rather than the right. Put her in the driver’s seat and if she passes she’s a keeper.  If you’re on a budget you can bring a Saab.

4. Any British Sports Car: If she can put up with you car being in the shop for half of the time you have owned it, she’s a keeper. Just ask Doug Demuro. 

5. Volkswagen Diesel: Ask her to pick you up.  If she arrives in a Volkswagen Golf diesel, say you are sick.  No one likes a cheater.

Happy Hunting RFD Fans and Happy Valentine’s Day.  And don’t forget always bring protection, you never know when you’ll need a car cover.



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