The first weekend episode

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In this the first weekend episode! Ike is joined by a few members of Oppositelock; Jim (justjim), Peter (svwranger), & Dalton (Camaro68ss) and a special surprise guest! (Steve Letho the surpise guest is Steve). These weekend episodes are going to be a regular thing.

If you want to be on an episode send me an email at and I’ll add you to the lists. This weekend I am planning on doing another group call episode. So if you want in on that let me know!
We talk best and worst cars, food, why Steve hates gremlins, and why Ike wants everyone on opposite lock to buy him one. whats wrong with Canada, and Oregon. Why the Miata is the answer, and much much more. 2 hours of crazyiness, the upcoming war between Fiestas and Miatas. How everyone came across oppo and much much more!

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