Oh, hey – it’s me! Ike and I talk about why I write all these blurbs for him, the different skills involved in writing, video, and podcasting, and whether the internet is for cats or porn. We also discuss Chip Foose and the Plymouth Prowler, the Ford Focus ST that I’ve been driving, the awesomeness of the Ford Flex, and how our dog ate my prized Saturn jacket.
We discuss Right Wrist Twist, the sister site of Right Foot Down for motorcycles. We talk about my bikes; building one good Suzuki Savage out of two dead ones; wrenching on bikes with beer, R/C cars, and guns; the “lay ‘er down” myth; helmet laws, loud pipes, Harleys, and Christian biker gangs.
Finally, we look back at the Red Bull GRC event we attended. We talk about the experience, the similarity to AMA Supercross, its potential for expansion, and how Scott Speed nailed me in the eye with a rock. Remember to duck and cover, kids.