What a tease. I haven’t been this led on since high school. Except now I’m done with puberty; well that’s a whole different story. Anyway, if you happen to be in the DC area or perhaps, the North East, you have been led on just like me.
The weather has been freakin’ gorgeous. Sunny, a light breeze, holding mid-60’s throughout the day and into the evening. I’ll even bet that you drove home from work with your windows down. But, it’s still February and this weather is probably a fluke.
So, how did it feel? You know, to feel your tires have some more heat in them. I guarantee that all car nuts like us had a huge smile on our faces. It feels good to look at your engine temperature and realize your car is warmed up five minutes into the drive home. We have a break from having heat blasted onto our already-dried-out knuckles at 0’dark 30 in the morning.
Keep the windows cracked and put the top down. Or, just do what you need to hear that exhaust you put on last spring. And, if you’re enough of a car nut, the warm weather would have inspired you to check RFD’s HPDE schedule!
Just don’t get used to it. I know we are all excited about this sunny blessing, but we also know that there could still be snow in March. Hopefully I am wrong.